Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC)

Powdered activated carbon (PAC) is a fine form of activated carbon with particle size of less than 0.18 mm (80 ASTM Mesh) according to ASTM definition or atleast 90% by weight of particles with size of less than 0.5 mm (35 ASTM Mesh) according to the EU Council.

Powdered activated carbon (PAC) is made from organic materials with high carbon contents such as wood, lignite, and coal. Powdered activated carbon typically has a diameter of less than 0.1 mm and has an apparent density range between 23 and 46 lb/ft3.

Owing to their very small particle size they offer certain advantages over granular and pelletized forms, such as larger accessible porosity and faster mass transfer which accounts for high adsorption rates.

MJH Carbons provides PAC derived from 3 raw materials viz., wood, coal and coconut shell, each available in 100, 200, 325 mesh sizes, unwashed/washed, and standard as well as customizable properties through steam activation routes. We also offer unwashed, water washed and acid washed grades with tailorable adsorption properties.

Features & Benefits:

Powdered activated carbon are widely used in food, beverage, medicine, tap water, sugar, oil and other industries in brewing, sewage, treatment, power plants, electroplating, etc.


  • Mercury Removal
  • Municipal Water Treatment
  • Environmental Water Treatment
  • Residential Point of Use/ Entry
  • Industrial Processes
  • Food And Beverage
  • Medical
  • Energy Storage